Wednesday 29 May 2013

Take it OR Leave it .. (Farida)

Do You Want To Drink This Much Oil!!! (Sharifa)

If your sweet tooth says candy candy!!!! Your wisdom tooth says NO PLEASE!!! (Hamda)

One burger equal to 1 liter of oil (Sharifa)

The burgers contain added salt and sugar, aside from having a high fat content, particularly in cheese, ketchup, and the bun. It compromises a person’s health in ways a person can’t feel physically, such as cholesterol and blood pressures. Burgers contain high levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) as well as triglycerides; those two contents clog the arteries. Studies have shown that diets rich in saturated fats and Trans-fat that are in burgers increase blood levels of LDL cholesterol. On average 25% of burgers is just oil, if your try squeezing a burger you will soon notice that liquid is coming out of it, that is the oil.

Colored candies bring darkness to your health (Hamda)

Brightly collared candies which tastes good include many artificial ingredients specially colours. Eating huge amount of candies in a single day this can cause harm diseases such as Cancer, Allergies and Hyperactivity. The risk to children is greater than the risk to adults, because their organs and body systems are still rapidly developing, and their smaller size means smaller exposures can have an outsized effect. The huge amount of added sugar can increase levels of triglycerides in your blood, which may increase your risk of heart disease. However it can also impact how you look or feel, doing damage to your skin or altering your mood.

Killing yourself slowly by drinking Soft Drinks (Farida)

Soft drink is a favorite drink for everyone in the world, many of us are not aware of how harm it can cause for our bodies. Presence of Caffeine in Pepsi is responsible for nerve diseases, headache and hyperactivity. Other harmful effect includes eyes problems, sleeplessness, and mental tension and nerve problems. Drinking huge amount of soft drinks can lead many stomach diseases. Water is  a life about 75% of human bodies mass is made of water and according to a number of doctors, drinking eight glasses of water is necessary to our body to live as a healthy life. Water is the only liquid on Earth that safely reduces weight it removes the by-products of fat and keeps you fresh and healthy.

Had one spoon of ice-cream and have million chances to have Diabetes (Sharifa)

Ice-cream contains saturated fats, which contributes to increase in cholesterol levels. Some ice-creams contain eggs, so they contain cholesterol; this increases blood cholesterol levels in the human’s body. According to the Louisiana State University Agricultural Centre website, 48 percent of ice cream's calories are derived from fat, while the Parent Dish website add that even half a cup of ice cream can contain as much as 20 grams of fat. If eaten on regular basis people can put on weight, this may lead to obesity and that results in many serious diseases e.g. coronary heart disease (CHD). The sugar content can vary slightly between brands and flavours of ice cream. On average, two scoops, or about 1 cup, of regular ice cream provides about 28 grams of sugar as shown in the picture.